AXLR8 will be adding more 2FA features to protect your data from theft or other attacks. The system will now have more conditions and media available where a second form of authentication (such as a texted code number to the user’s mobile phone) will be required before access is allowed. Please see this document for more detail.

The document covers details and screenshots about our product roadmap including

  • Definitions.
  • Different workflows, events and mechanisms, for example
    • on every log in
    • every 90 days
    • from new IP
    • when a password is reset
    • etc.
  • Media (comparing pros and cons) and also costs – for example text messaging costs.
    • just phoning in
    • SMS messaging is very high for delivery success where internet coverage or low smart phone numbers would mitigate against
    • push messaging or
    • Google Authentication.

If you would like more information about user security administration for your AXLR8 Information Request Management System, please contact us on 01344 776500 or the usual Support email address.