
Complete compliance at the lowest cost
The FastTrack system catalogues all your documents, and presents them on demand. With information requests increasing in both numbers and complexity, the need to store large amounts of information so that it can easily be found on a system becomes even more vital. Suitably robust search mechanisms are provided to maximise public self-help to view information through an easy to use public interface. Private secure boundaries are included for administrators to manage the documents and control what information is (or is not) published.
Compliance is expensive if achieved reactively, but a systematic approach with central storage enables speedy and cost effective answers.

Time saved in setting up the system and processes
By buying in a system, rather than building it in house, one acquires the accumulated knowledge of many organisations. You are buying a system with agreed and approved processes that other authorities have already established. AXLR8 have taken the best ideas and put them into FastTrack. If you want a sophisticated solution that facilitates and encourages best practice, it is best to buy in a proven system that comes with consulting and training on how to achieve the best results, in the minimum amount of time. You learn from the mistakes and successes of OTHER public bodies! It will save man months of valuable time.

Staff development
The system frees up staff time for more valuable tasks and thus increased job satisfaction. Empowered employees with measurable objectives work better as teams, and can achieve more with the same resources.

Management Control
The system allows a central focus for activities such as document/information base line audit, followed by regular catalogue maintenance and measurable audit results. Following start up impetus for the project, the training that comes with an established system saves time and unnecessary learning curves. The failure rate is reduced and the overall risk is minimised as the application has management controls built in to it, to show where objectives are being met and where coaching for improvement is necessary. Achievements and examples of best practice within your organisation are clearly visible, measurable, and can be held up as models to help others achieve more.

Cost reduction in paper document management (especially print costs)
There are a number of implications of a system that catalogues documents, including hard copy printed materials. Most printed brochures/leaflets can cost a great deal of money. FastTrack helps manages stock control:

  • when there is an issue of destroying all out of date or inaccurate material and replacing them with new ones
  • avoiding unnecessary costs printing documents/leaflets etc that are already printed by having uniquely identified stock and storage location

Cost reduction in staff time spent searching for information
Almost all staff spend too much time looking for documents and photocopying them; FastTrack reduces this time. Electronic documents do not have to be physically removed, which means they are not at risk of being put back in the wrong place (so raising search costs next time!). Also documents can be retrieved when needed – not when convenient for someone to send them to you.

Cost minimisation in production of information in response to requests
There is still huge variation in the inclination and ability of members of the public to use Internet Search from their home or office. Many people will still visit, email, write, or telephone. The person at reception dealing with these enquiries, who uses FastTrack, will have an invaluable tool for answering people’s questions. If necessary, they can print hard copies effortlessly. It is much easier to print the results of a computer search, than to search paper files, collect the relevant documents, select certain pages, collate it all, and spend even more valuable time at the photocopier. Paper costs are reduced again. Dealing with less paper is good for people, business and the environment. Also, the photocopier and paper file systems do not tell your CRM system who was sent what, and when. FastTrack does.

Best Practice combined with professional image in knowledge management
A system that is quick and easy to use is a great benefit for all concerned. It must start with research into what is available and what is wanted, and should not be at the whim of whoever develops the website. AXLR8 have done that research. The Freedom of Information Act requires that all such requests from the public receive response within 20 days. The ability to respond immediately to all but the most complex enquiries, will often please the customer, who will be receiving a better than expected service. Such a service clearly demonstrates your duty of care, and creates that professional image. It improves public relations, and should save management time and disruption in resolving customer complaints about poor services.